Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Long time, no blog

Ok so I genuinely apologize to all my blog readers.  I know I've been AWFUL about updating my blog.  But I'm going to do all my updates in the next few days about what I've been doing recently.  Also, I'm doing them in reverse chronological order.  So starting with this past weekend...

It was Easter so we had a 4 day weekend and I decided to take advantage of it by going to Greece!  More specifically I went to Mykonos, a small Greek island.  It was myself, Megan, Jenna, Jamie and Jamie's friend Matt.  We started on our journey early Friday morning by flying into Athens.  From there we took a ferry to Mykonos.  Just finding the ferry was an adventure it itself, but after a bus and walking for (what felt like) forever we finally got on the correct ferry and were on our way!  It was a 5 hour ferry, and for anyone planning on going to Mykonos I recommend flying.  It was a loooong time to be on a boat, I'll just leave it at that.

I will say that it was absolutely, positively, %100 worth the trip though.  We arrived around midnight on Friday night (after leaving at about 6 am).  We went straight to the beach, which was right outside the front door of our bed and breakfast, and it was beautiful.  The beach was warm and empty, and the ocean looked so incredible bathed in the moonlight.  Megan and I of course couldn't resist running in the water for a few minutes.  Even waste deep at night we could see our feet perfectly clearly.

The next morning we decided to walk into town and along the way we saw a place you could rent ATV's (All Terrain Vehicles)!  Obviously we couldn't resist and Megan and Jamie took one, Jenna and I took another.  We drove into town and found a cute little place to have breakfast.  The drive in was unreal.  Seeing Mykonos in the day time is unlike anything I've ever seen before.  The torquise sea was sparkling, the bright sand was clean, and the beautiful white houses with blue shutters that are stereotypical portrayals of Greece are absolutely real.  As soon as I can I'll add pictures to my shutterfly site.  But during the drive I felt like I was in a movie, or a dream.  I just didn't think it was possible for something in this world to be THAT beautiful.  I don't think I stopped smiling (or yelling OPA!) the entire time.

Breakfast was wonderful.  It was a REAL breakfast: omelets, coffee, toast, pancakes, yum!  We got to sit outside and enjoy the sun before heading back.  Then we ATVed back and hit the beach!  I'm sure that everyone knows this about already, but I am a sun worshipper.  I live and breathe for the beach.  My time down the shore is my favorite, and all of my beach memories take place there.  So just being on the beach was possibly the happiest I've been the entire time I've been in Italy (and I've been very, very happy).  I love the beach so much because it utilizes all five senses, and the beach in Mykonos did it in the most wonderful way possible.  Feeling the sun on your skin, hearing the crash of the waves, smelling the salt of the ocean, tasting the slight crunch of sand in your teeth, and of course seeing how incredible it all is together (sand, sun, surf).

We spent all day laying out, reading, climbing rocks, collecting beach glass, until the wind picked up and it started to get a bit cold.  So we went back to our B and B to shower up and get ready for dinner.  Of course we felt the need to take the ATV's out again first and did a bit of off roading.  I think renting them, and driving them around the island, was the most fun thing I've done since I've been abroad.

Dinner that night was excellent.  Having a break from Italian food in general (yes, you can get tired of Italian, no matter how amazing it is) was nice but Greek food is excellent!  I had lamb souvlaki and loved it.  Looks like I'll be searching for a good greek restaurant in Boston now!

The second day was spent similar to the first.  Wake up, take in the view, ATV to breakfast in town.  We did a bit of shopping as well.  I purchased a beautiful homemade Greek ceramic of a moon!  Interestingly, although it was our Easter, since we were in Greece it was the Greek Orthodox Palm Sunday.  Very interesting watching the parades take place along the coast while eating breakfast.  Religion is clearly a huge part of their culture and it was beautiful to watch.

We spent the rest of the day on the beach again, then taking the ferry back to Athens.  Athens was, interesting.  I didn't love it, but I loved Mykonos so much that it totally made up for it however.  Now I am back in Italy, wishing I was in Greece.  Who would have ever thought that I would be upset about being in Italy!?!  Haha just kidding, I love it here and I plan on enjoying my last two weeks (TWO WEEKS!!!) to the fullest.  I promise another update soon.  Next up is Paris!  Until then ciao and thanks for reading!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG. greece sounds sooo amazing. youve really made me jealous, that i might not want to read your preceding entries. (pssh yeah right, you know how i live and breathe for your blog.) this is probably the first time where i cant imagine where you are. the only thing that comes to mind is sisterhood of the traveling pants, but ATVing to breakfast is beyond my imagination. well thanks for making me jealous...on to your next entry. :D
