Thursday, April 23, 2009

Parentals do Italy! Part 2: Time spent in Umbria

So we left Florence on Sunday and while I went back to Perugia, they went to their hotel in Brufa.  The next morning after classes I jumped in a cab and went to spend the day with them!  First of all, Brufa is absolutely beautiful.  The view outside of their window was just fields of green against a perfect blue sky.  It was about 60 degrees while we were there, and to us that is sitting outside on the deck and shorts and t-shirts weather!  Apparently it is not the same to Italians.  We already got some crazy looks (tall and blonde are not two adjectives you would use to describe Italians) and clearly stood out.  But then we realized they were BUNDLED up like it was snowing!  Boots, jackets, scarves...the whole 9 yards!  Clearly they thought we were lunatics were sitting outside in shorts and t-shirts, but we were ok with it!

We also made a trip to the spa and relaxed in the pool and hot tub.  Dad was the only one adventurous enough to go into the Turkish hot house (or something along those lines).  That night we just relaxed and had a nice dinner at their hotel.

The next day they came to see Perugia!  Unfortunately the weather was kind of yucky, so I didn't get to show off my home town quite the way I would have liked to.  But we still had a good time.  They got to see how tiny the door frames were in my apartment (all three of us hit our heads, multiple times).  We walked around and saw a bit of Perugia, the fountain, the piazza, the duomo, etc and got some delicious pastries.  That night we went to my favorite restaurant in Perugia, Il Falchetto, for a traditional Umbrian meal.  After aperitif's (appetizers), primi's (first pasta courses), secondi's (second meat cources) and wine (and of course Diet Coke) we were stuffed, tired and ready for bed.

The next day my parents went to Assisi and I wasn't able to join them because of classes.  They came back to Perugia the day after though, and fortunately it was much better weather this time!  We walked around to some of the views and took lot's of pictures.  (check out my shutterfly site!)  It was a gorgeous day and I was really glad that I was able to show them how beautiful the town I had been living for months really was.  We also went to the Galleria Nazionale dell' Umbria, which is Perugia's main museum.  We didn't stay for too long because they had a train to catch to Rome.  But of course we needed to eat first!  We went to my favorite pizza place, Mediterranean.  Then I got them to the train station and sent them on their way to Roma.

I was so bummed to see them go, because I wasn't able to meet them in Rome.  But it was fantastic to have them visit.  We had an incredible time!  And as my Mom and Dad kept pointing out, it was the most time we've spent together in a long time.  I'm really grateful that they were able to come and share part of my experience with me.  Now I only have a week left and 4 finals to go.  I can't wait to get home!  But before I do I need to make sure I blog about my week with Mischa and Nora over spring break!  Stay tuned for new updates .... ciao!

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