Saturday, April 25, 2009

Northeastern does Italy - spring break style!

One of my favorite weeks in Italy, by far, was spring break when Mischa and Nora came to visit us.  It was absolutely wonderful!  Just the fact that they came would have made it a great week, getting that fantastic taste of home and seeing friends I missed.  But we went on plenty of adventures making it even more incredible than I could have imagined.

First Nora flew in on Friday and we picked her up and went back to Perugia.  That night the three of was went out to a romantic dinner at a medieval themed restaurant.  Seriously.  We didn't even realize it until we looked around and were like, "So why are there suits of armor and dragons everywhere...?"  It was pretty entertaining until we saw the gnome room, Megan did NOT enjoy that!  We show her what a typical night in Perugia for us is like by taking her to Dempsey's and introducing her to our friends.  We had a great time but we knew we had to get up early to get to the airport.  We needed to pick up our lovely 4th, Mischa!

So that morning, after some difficulties getting to the airport, we finally made it!  (Don't ask about the difficulties.  It included missing trains, missing buses, rude transportation employees, and a 300 euro cab.)  Once the four of us were reunited though, it was all worth it!  Immediately we jumped on a train and headed to Sorrento.

Mischa was a trooper.  After an international flight, 2 trains, and a slightly ghetto metro she was still in high spirits!  (I would have been very very cranky.)  It may have been the enormous amounts of candy we ate (thanks again Nora!).  But personally I think it was the fact that we were all finally together in Italy after talking about it obsessively for two months.

Once we got to our adorable bed and breakfast in Sorrento (we had the green room, definitely the best) we got dinner and called it a night.  We had a big day ahead of us, and after a long day of traveling we were exhausted.

We decided to go to Pompeii first thing in the morning.  To be quite honest, I wasn't looking forward to Pompeii that much.  I was completely shocked though, it was incredible!  We had the best time.  Checking out the ruins, taking pictures, seeing the plastered bodies, the outdoor potties, the brothels.  All of it was amazing.  At this point in time we were down to 3 working cameras.  Sadly Nora's passed away earlier that weekend due to a camera in drink incident.  (It's exactly what it sounds like.)

We relied on Rick Steve's (our fearless book tour guide) to tell us everything we wanted to know.  I'll give Rick props where props are due, but he got us a bit confused this time around.  DAMN YOU RICK STEVE'S!!  It's ok though, eventually he got us back and track and lead us to the things we really wanted to see.  Namely the brothels.

This isn't just me being slightly perverted, they were really cool!  On the walls there were pictures of positions, which historians believed were menus!!  After giggling a lot, running around Pompeii pretended the lava was coming, acting like we were making pizzas in the brick ovens, and showing what positions we would have ended up in if we were buried by the ash (Nora and Megan would duck and cover, Mischa would be climbing out), it was time to go.

Our next stop for the day was Capri.  Capri was absolutely stunning, I really haven't seen anything quite that beautiful before.  We walked around, put our feet in and picked up sea glass from the ocean.  We took a crazy bus up to the top of the island so we were at Anacapri.  I may have seen my life flash before my eyes on that rocky, teetering, edge hugging, gravity defying bus.  It was all worth it when we got to the top though.  We hiked for a while, just taking in the amazing views.  There were plenty of La Pausa's (beaks) with Mischa's undeniable slowness and Megan's fear of heights.  But I'm proud of them both because they powered through!!!  No, no I'm just teasing.  We had a wonderful time and I'm so glad I got to share it with friends from home.

We took a ferry back to Sorrento for another night dinner and bedtime in our great b & b.  Next stop, next blog ... Napoli, Roma, fabbrica di cioccolato "Perugina," and mattress floor sleepovers!

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