Monday, January 19, 2009

Busy busy weekend

Hello all!  Sorry it's been a bit since my last update.  I've been really busy the past few days, which is good for me because it keeps me happy and good for you because it gives me good stories to write about!  So this weekend was filled with food, friends, and exploring.

This weekend I went out to my first "official" traditional Italian dinner.  It was incredible.  Eating here is far more than a meal, it's an experience.  We started with a bruschetta appetizer.  Here it's not just tomatoes and onions on bread.  They have garlic bruschetta, zucchini bruschetta, etc etc...  The next course was a pasta course.  It was fresh, homemade gnocchi and al dente linguini.  Both phenomenal with a meat sauce.  The next course was a meat course that included chicken, beef and pork.  After was a salad course.  Then of course dessert!  We also had a few bottles of delicious wine (locally made).  We were there for at least 2 hours and had an amazing time.  I don't think I'm going to be able to go back to "American" Italian food after this.

Megan and I also made a homemade pizza one night, which was a big feat for us!  We cheated slightly by buying the dough.  But we bought a basic tomato sauce and sauteed onions, garlic, and spices in it.  Then melted mozzarella, parm and provolone cheeses on top.  Magnifico!

Apparently here everyone makes there own sauce.  We had our first big trip to the grocery store which was an experience in and of its self.  We expect to find rows of fancy delicious sauces, but everything they sell is very basic and plain because everyone does it themselves.  So by the time I'm home (after experimenting with many varieties) I'm sure I will have a fantastic recipe!

Back to the grocery store though.  First you have to take something called the "mini-metro" to get there.  For those of you who live in Boston or have seen the "T," it's very similar to that.  The difference is it's TINY!  Imagine the one-cart T, that is typically so hilariously small, and shrink it to about a fourth that size.  They come every minute instead of every 10 minutes however, the it's never and issue.  It's outdoors instead of underground though, and has the distinct feel of Disney World's "monorail."

We managed to converse with the deli guy at the market to get un mezza kilo (about a pound) of salami and provolone cheese.  The only thing was, we clearly violated a big taboo when we requested the cheese be sliced.  Apparently that is NOT something you do in Italy!  Oops!  Well at least we know for next time...

On Sunday we spent a day on a genuine family run Italian farm.  It was pretty incredible.  Apparently when you say "farmers" in Italy it's not just people who grow food.  They also fish, have live-stock, have vineyards and make olive oil and wine, and essentially build/make everything they use like baskets or rope.  We learnt how to make homemade pasta on the farm too!  If I attempt it on my own I'll let everyone know how it works out.  Again we had an incredible 2 hour, 5 course meal.  There is really nothing quite like it.  I think I can happily give up breakfast if I can have these marathon meals everyday like Italians do!

Today was our first day of real classes, and it was nice to get the ball rolling on that.  I have a really large block in the middle of the day.  That works out pretty well for me as far as homework, blogging and exploring go!  Right now it's still a bit cold and rainy, but once it warms up I doubt I'll ever be inside!  I signed up for a few different Umbra run programs today.  Next week I'll be going on a historical walking tour of the city, which I can't wait for.  Obviously the city is full of history, but I can't wait to hear about it from someone who knows all the details.  Also I have signed up for wine, cheese and coffee tastings!  (Not at the same time)  I hope to be quite the connoisseur by the time April comes around.

My only other update is that I finally moved and got internet in my apartment.  YAY!  Megan and I now live in a beautiful town-house type apartment.  The upgrade is ridiculous.  We each have our own rooms complete with desks, closets and a view.  I also have a bizarre mini-bathroom in mine.  It's about 5 feet high, so I can't stand in it.  And it's just a sink and a mirror.  But it is nice to have to brush my teeth or get water in the middle of the night from!  We also have a large kitchen, living room, and 1 and a half baths!  I'm actually in shock of how nice this place is, particularly in comparison to our last one.  The kitchen is interesting however.  You have to turn on the gas and then light the stove with a match to get it on.  Then the oven has no numbers or temperatures on it, so you pretty much just have to guess.  It's ok though, it's all in the experience!  I bought an internet card for my apartment though.  So if anyone wants to Skype with me, let me know when times are good for them and what their Skype name is!  Mine is Ashleydubbs.

Must go for now.  Hopefully I'll be able to update again soon!  Ti amo (I love you) everyone!


  1. Oh Ashley, you sound like you are having such a great time. The food, drinks and people all sound amazing but I can't get the picture of you in a 5 foot high bathroom out of my head. It was great seeing you yesterday. Keep on blogging.

  2. i would like to place an order of a home cooked ashley waters italian dinner followed by a lovefest! seems like youre getting the city of perugia down to every nook and corner and i wouldnt expect anything less from you.
    anyways it was sooooooooo WONDERFUL hearing your voice. i miss you terribly and cannot wait till we reunite. like i told megan, hearing you took the whole "i miss you" to another level. i even had to shed a little tear. hahaha. i know...
    until our next skype encounter. infinite amount of cyber love sent from me to YOU!

  3. Hey Ashley! I am loving your pics and your blog. Wow sounds like you are have a blast and I would not expect anything less. Tons of food and fun. Your new friends seem nice and up for fun too. Take more pics then hills and houses look beatuful. Thanks for sharing.... Lots of Love, Aunt Judy, Alec, and Blair!

  4. OK I am catchin up....I have a lot to read :) wow I am so exciting for you. Enjoy and dont forget to blog the specific places and street names and towns, they are easy to forget. Love you lots......Aunt Judy (Waters)
