Sunday, January 11, 2009

First Weekend

I’ve had my first official full day in Perugia.  The city is absolutely breath taking.  It’s completely unlike anything I’ve ever seen in the United States.  Everywhere you go the city is full of culture and history.  One of the most incredible things I saw today was that from certain places you could actually see the alps!  Also around 6:30 the entire city was out walking around.  It was so unique seeing how Italians interact with one another.  I had my very first real Italian pizza today, magnifico!!  Puts Boston to shame, no doubt about that.  I look forward to having my first coffee and gelato also. 

Last night we all went out for a night on the town.  We went to a bar called “Merlin” and had a great time.  It’s clearly an American hot spot in Italy.  Half of the people studying abroad were told about it and they played all American music.  It was a lot of fun though, getting to know everyone and dancing all night.

Today we explored for the first time.  There is so much to see in the city that we didn’t even scratch the surface.  Apparently there is an entire underground city we can walk through.  We don’t have classes on Friday and a few of us plan on dedicating that day to exploring some more. I can’t wait!

Aside from that I’m still getting adjusted.  As much as I love what I’ve experienced so far, it can be frustrating.  Not speaking the language is really hard and I now totally understand why people studying abroad choose to go to an English speaking country so frequently.  Once I pick up more basics I’m sure it will become easier.  This week we are doing an intensive Italian course where that’s all we studying for 3 or 4 hours a day.  I’m sure it’s going to be really helpful. 

Other frustrations are the lack of internet.  It’s hard to keep in touch with people without the internet because phone calls can be so expensive.  So if anyone has any inclination to call me even to say hi, it would be really appreciated!  I miss my friends, family and Brian a lot.  It’s wonderful having Megan here because I think I would get really lonely without her.  I can’t imagine doing this without someone to rely on.  I’m sure it will be easier once we get to know other people better.  There are 8 other students in my apartment building who are all really nice and great to spend time with.  I’m sure we will end up being closest with them but until we’re really comfortable with them it’s not the same as my friends at home.

I’m sure this period is the same for everyone.  Once I settle into a routine, start my classes, meet more people, and travel a bit everything will be even that much more wonderful.

Until then arrivederci (good bye) and I hope everyone is doing well at home!!  Please send me emails to keep me updated with everything that’s going on with you!

1 comment:

  1. in true perezhilton form... FIRST!
    anyways i close my eyes and can imagine everything that youre describing (partly because ive seen your pictures.) dont get too homesick, nora and i will be visiting and then your rents! and before you know it youll be back in the states.
    your #1 avid blog follower,
