Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Classes and Gelato

The first day of classes has come and went.  Going to class I think will really help me adjust.  Just having some normalcy in my life and a schedule will be great.  Also my classes are really small so it will be a great way to meet more people.  Although I’m definitely not looking forward to homework...  However, if today was indicative of how challenging the classes and assignments will be, I’m not too worried.

Just to give a brief description of where I live and what it’s like, it’s insane.  I will be in the best shape of my life when we get out of here.  When I walk out of my apartment I have a 15 to 20 minute walk to class.  This isn’t any kind of leisurely stroll either.  We live at the top of one hill, have to walk down it into an alley, and back up another huge, steep hill.  My calves actually burn from all the walking I’ve done the past few days.  The positive thing is that I am no longer concerned at all about gaining weight!

Speaking of gaining weight, I have my first real, Italian gelato today.  It. Was. Amazing.  Also the person who ran the shop was fluent in English, which was such a relief.  I’ve been trying to pick up on as much of the language as possible and taking my “common phrase book” everywhere (THANK YOU BRIAN, BEST GIFT EVER).  But after the 3rd day of misprouncing “prendo” (Can I have) and getting eye rolls as Italians say “Americanas” under their breath, it was wonderful to have someone speak English to us.

Here is the link to my photos by the way for anyone reading this that doesn’t have facebook.  Sorry there aren’t many descriptions with it!  The first group are essentially just traveling to Italy.  Then it’s just the view that I see on my walk to class.  So beautiful.  I plan on doing a lot more exploring of more of the hidden parts of the city on Friday, so expect more pictures soon!

Buona notte (good night) all my American friends!


  1. Hello my love, everything sounds wonderful. I can't wait for you to show us everything that you discover. I couldn't figure out how to view your pictures. Please make me your friend on Facebook. Love and kisses, Mom

  2. hills?! oh no. after minimal use of my legs they have shriveled up and wilted away. yay looking forward to growing some gladiator calves when i visit. btw pete francis from dispatch and barefoot truth are coming to boston. but theres no one to go with. :(
